MetroTVNews – October 14, 2014
“So we came to the conclusion of this small body. I was really surprised how many options there really are in a small cabinet.”
ElektronikTest – August 30, 2014
“Så kom vi til konklusionen af dette lille kabinet. Jeg var virkelig overrasket over hvor mange muligheder der egentlig er i så lille et kabinet.”
ElektronikTest – August 30, 2014
“Yes we recommend the Prodigy. Don’t be afraid to go smaller, the Prodigy will definitely amaze you with all its possibilities for such a small price tag!”
SFF-Tek – June 27, 2014
“Vemos un excelente gabinete en el cual no podemos quejarnos en lo mas absoluto. Ideal para lanes y eventos. Con respecto a su refrigeración, es destacable.
Prodigy es el caso compacto sin compromisos que se adapta a su estilo individual.”
extreme-box – September 13, 2013
“En términos generales la calidad de construcción es muy buena. La chapa de la estructura y los laterales es gruesa y por mas que el gabinete por su diseño tenga solamente el backplate encargado de reforzar la estructura, esta es muy firme incluso sin los laterales puestos.”
hmdmodding – September 12, 2013
“En fin, con el BitFenix Prodigy contamos con un gabinete de altas prestaciones a un precio muy justo y lo mejor de todo es que tendremos disponibilidad inmediata en el país por medio de los distribuidores autorizados de la marca, es por ello que “
modding.mx – June 17, 2013

“The BitFenix Prodigy is a high-end ITX enclosure capable of accommodating GTX graphics like Titan, or even the new GTX 780, as it has a large internal space. It is perfect for those wishing to build a high-end platform in a small cabinet as they come ITX motherboards with chipset to overclock, as the GA-Z77N-Gigabyte WiFi, which will serve to further elevate PC performance .“
hd-tecnologia – May 29, 2013
“Au final, le Prodigy est un boitier Mini-ITX généreux vis-à-vis des dimensions. Il dispose d’un design travaillé avec des poignets de transports souples. L’aération repose sur des évents à l’avant, une large grille métal mesh sur le dessus et de multiple perforations sur l’un de ses panneaux latéraux.”
Ginjfo – April 30, 2013
“Un look qui déchire, une organisation intérieure optimisée, le tout dans une tour format ITX : le BitFenix Prodigy sera le compagnon idéal pour les fans de LAN qui souhaiteraient avoir un ordinateur performant, et transportable par son faible poids, et son petit volume. Seul bémol, la paroi latérale laisse à la fois entrer la poussière et sortir le son de la carte graphique, si celle-ci est du genre bruyante. “
zeden – April 15, 2013
“Finalement, que penser de ce Prodigy ? Tout dépendra le point de vue. Pour la personne qui veut mettre une grosse carte graphique et un ou deux disques durs, le boitier fait quand même gros, à cause des poignées. Cela dit, elles sont pratiques pour aller en LAN, et le design est très sympathique. Alors pourquoi pas ?”
Cowcotland – February 04, 2013
“Mini-ITX cases have often been really cheap, or not the kind of thing you’d want nestled in your living room. With the Prodigy case BitFenix threw out all our preconceptions and delivered a case which has all you can desire and also looks the business. Available in a multitude of colours for our modern lives, it’s the best compact case around.”
Overclock3D – January 14, 2013
“This Mini-ITX rig wasn’t the easiest thing to build, and there were compromises to be made, but for me, it’s now my perfect PC: small, compact, and extremely powerful, all while looking fantastic. I can’t ask for much more than that.”
UK Gamespot – December 19, 2012
” Prodigy Mini-ITX PC Case is a very good example of that. It’s not the perfect mini-ITX PC Case and there are quite a few out there featuring better overall build quality but lack most of its feature and cost a lot more so in the end the Prodigy offers the best bang for your buck and that’s why it receives our Golden Award.”
Nikktech – December 18, 2012
PC Fun – November 19, 2012
“Sie haben sich Zeit gelassen und offensichtlich einiges an Arbeit in dieses Projekt gesteckt. Ob man damit dem Namen gerecht wird und wir wahrlich ein kleines Wunderkind zu Gesicht bekommen, muss der Test nun zeigen.”
PC masters – October 30, 2012
“According to the results I can say that using common components we may easily build a small (or smallish) computer with very good performance which is also quiet and has especially in IDLE state very low power consumption under 40 W. One may easily pack such computer for lanparty or a similar event where it is going to provide much better service for only a fraction of gaming computer’s price. “
Svethardware – October 30, 2012
“Dette er langt fra det første kabinet jeg kigger på, og der har også været lidt blandede fornøjelser, ved at arbejde med dette kabinet. Og det kommer man aldrig udenom.”
Laptopworld – October 29, 2012
“Dette er langt fra det første kabinet jeg kigger på, og der har også været lidt blandede fornøjelser, ved at arbejde med dette kabinet. Og det kommer man aldrig udenom.”
Laptopworld – October 29, 2012
” Prodigy may just be the best case for the buck if you are looking for a portable enclosure for LAN parties. In fact, we also would think it would be a great case for those who are building an HTPC with all of that storage space available. IT would also make a good small home build server as well. “
Bjorn 3D – October 25, 2012
“Bitfenix feiert einen gelungenen Einstand in den Mini-ITX-Sektor und liefert mit dem Prodigy ein rundum solides Produkt ab. Mit einigen Alleinstellungsmerkmalen wie den FyberFlex-Kufen, welche zum Einen den Transport zur nächsten LAN erleichtern und zum Anderen für eine Entkopplung des Gehäuses von der Standfläche sorgen.”
PC-MAX – October 18, 2012
“If you are contemplating a new build, or want to move to something smaller with minimal hassle, look no further. Affordable, unique, and extremely stylish, BitFenix’s Prodigy not only lives up to its name, but also more than delivers on its hype.”
The ssd review – October 12, 2012
“Darüber hinaus werden sich Casemodder über die optionale Unterbodenbeleuchtung freuen. Das umfangreiche I/O-Panel und die externe SATA 6G-Anschlussmöglichkeit wissen natürlich auch zu gefallen. Angesichts des fairen Preises können wir eine Kaufempfehlung für das neue BitFenix Ghost aussprechen.”
Gamezoom – October 12, 2012

“Während der ganzen Teststrecke war von den installierten Lüfter so gut wie nichts zu hören, wäre ja auch noch schöner, wenn der eigene Fernsehernicht mehr gehört werden würde.Im großen und ganzen ein gelungenes Gehäuse mit vielen Extras und schlankem Preis, Bitfenix wir wollen mehr davon sehen.”
Overclockingstation – October 11, 2012
“With performance and flexibility like this, it’s difficult not to recommend the Prodigy unequivocally. It has more water-cooling support than many cases twice its size, great air cooling too in its category, and its price tag is extremely reasonable indeed.”
Bit-tech – September 07, 2012
“We were extremely impressed with the BitFenix Prodigy, as it is small, yet allows you to build a high-end PC. The overall quality is top-notch and its price couldn’t be better”
HardWare Secrets – August 27, 2012
“Entsprechende Komponenten, z.B. in Form von Mainboards, gibt es inzwischen ja schon in Hülle und Fülle. So können wir das Gehäuse mit unserem Gold-Award prämieren.”
HardWare journal – August 23, 2012
“But if space is an issue on your desktop, and compromise doesn’t sit happily in your vocabulary, then the Prodigy is the perfect chassis to drop your gaming bits into for safe-keeping.”
Techeadar – August 17, 2012
“The Bitfenix Prodigy gives you ample room for the extra-large video cards, and although you give up the top HD cage to accomplish this, the options are there to install them elsewhere throughout the case so you’re not really losing in that respect. At a price point of only $79.99 this is a chassis that’s really hard to beat.”
Pure Overclock – August 16, 2012
Itocp – August 15, 2012
PCeva – August 14, 2012
“BitFenix Prodigy is design for the enthusiast, simply likes to see how much hardware they can fit into a small space. Whether you lack the room for a full tower/mid tower or simply want the small form factor the BitFenix Prodigy looks like it may fit the bill!”
Legit reviews – August 03, 2012
“Prodigy 小巨蛋 還算是咖有吸引力的機箱,整體外觀造型頗有設計感,且畢竟目前專為mini-ITX所設計的”大”機箱並不多,除了支援高規格的長顯卡之外,也塞得下塔型的CPU散熱器,甚至要安裝水冷都不是問題,重點是價格定位也在相當合理的範圍。”
Coolaler – July 27, 2012
泡泡網 – July 27, 2012
“Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften eignet sich dieser Cube wie kaum ein anderer einen potenten Gaming-PC mit guter Kühlung und leisem Betriebsgeräusch auf Basis einer Mini-ITX-Platine aufzubauen.“
HardWare Max – July 24, 2012
“Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften eignet sich dieser Cube wie kaum ein anderer einen potenten Gaming-PC mit guter Kühlung und leisem Betriebsgeräusch auf Basis einer Mini-ITX-Platine aufzubauen.”
HardWare Max – July 24, 2012
” Prodigy has been designed in such a way to entertain 2x 120mm cooling fans at stock and there are additional spots for mounting even more. I like the idea of having the motherboard tray horizontal rather than vertical as we see in every ATX chassis and numerous Mini-ITX too. “
Vortez – July 18, 2012
“Prodigy is characterised in just one word; style. It oozes style, whether you opt for the Midnight Black or Arctic White it will look great next to the TV or desk. Prodigy’s price makes it a no-brainer for those who want high-end kit inside a smaller chassis and I am pleased to award this case with our prestigious Gold and Amazing Value awards.”
Vortez – July 18, 2012
” Lange Grafikkarten und hohe CPU-Kühler sind ebenfalls möglich. Die Festplattenkäfige lassen sich außerdem entfernen oder auch gedreht verbauen, um je nach Einsatzzweck die beste Ausgangssituation zu bieten. Die beiden leisen 120-mm-Lüfter und das seitliche Frontpanel mit modernen USB 3.0 Anschlüssen runden das gute Gesamtpaket ab.”
Hartware.net – July 18, 2012
硬派 – July 18, 2012
“ 小巨蛋内部做得合理而精巧,既能充分利用空间,也不会过于紧致,使用起来轻松愉快。大箱子还是有大箱子的好处,火鸟给玩家提供了一个新的选择。整体看来,小巨蛋的兼容性是无可挑剔,其散热性能也不错,还预留众多风扇位让玩家按需调整变化,即使安装水冷配件等也有让玩家发挥的空间。”
Expreview – July 03, 2012
“Autre point positif, le refroidissement: ce dernier est assuré par les deux spectres qui sont silencieux et efficaces. Notre ventilateur Noctua étant pratiquement inaudible, l’ensemble tourne dans un silence de cathédrale! Et bien entendu tout cela pour 80€…”
Modding.fr – July 02, 2012
“The Prodigy is their first Mini-ITX chassis and it manages to combine a rare set of attributes. Being fairly compact, with the ability to hold large CPU coolers, an ATX PSU and a long graphics card and standard optical drive, the chassis is the perfect base for a high performance, yet compact and portable system. “
Tech Powerup – June 26, 2012
“The Prodigy is their first Mini-ITX chassis and it manages to combine a rare set of attributes. Being fairly compact, with the ability to hold large CPU coolers, an ATX PSU and a long graphics card and standard optical drive, the chassis is the perfect base for a high performance, yet compact and portable system. “
Tech Powerup – June 26, 2012
“The Prodigy is their first Mini-ITX chassis and it manages to combine a rare set of attributes. Being fairly compact, with the ability to hold large CPU coolers, an ATX PSU and a long graphics card and standard optical drive, the chassis is the perfect base for a high performance, yet compact and portable system. “
Tech Powerup – June 26, 2012

“Ahhh quel dur métier que celui de testeur ! Voyez-vous, parfois, nous avons la chance de travailler et de vous dévoiler les nombreux atouts des merveilleux produits de nos chers fabricants et parfois, c’est le contraire et nous tombons sur ce que l’on appelle de “grosses bouses”.”
Syndrome-oc – June 13, 2012
“As a hobbyist, there’s real appeal for me in reviewing a case that not only functions admirably out of the box but also offers the promise of still better performance and flexibility.”
AnandTech – June 13, 2012
“Detta till trots tycker vi att Bitfenix har gjort en väldigt bra avvägning mellan storlek och expansionsmöjligheter med Prodigy. Modellen känns extremt välbyggd och bjuder på ett smart och välplanerat inre. Med en prislapp på smått otroliga 695 kr kan vi därför inget annat än rekommendera Prodigy till entusiaster på jakt efter ett lite större chassi till sitt kraftfulla Mini-ITX-bygge.”
SWEclockers – June 13, 2012
“BitFenix a tout bon. En tout cas, tout au long de ce test, le Prodigy a su nous convaincre. Notons pour finir que la version blanche du Prodigy diffère sur un point, la façade. Celle-ci n’est pas en mesh mais pleine, avec des aérations prévues tout autour.”
PC world.fr – May 31, 2012